Consultancy services
With our strengths in engineering, construction and installation, Nong Lam accompanies customers in strategic management with our consultancy services including:
Advice on preparing environmental documents:
Document preparation
- Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment Report
- Environmental Impact Assessment Report
- Environmental protection plan
- Commitment to environmental protection
- Registration of hazardous waste source owners
- Preparation of application for waste discharge registration
- Preparation of documents for acceptance of flue gas and wastewater treatment works inside and outside industrial parks
- Preparation of application for underground water extraction permits
Environmental Monitoring and Management
- Nong Lam sets up industrial pollution monitoring program for projects/factories and prepares annual monitoring reports and proposes pollution prevention plans.
- Nong Lam provide advices on building environmental management system based on ISO 14000 standard
Cleaner production technology
- Provide advices to the enterprises in terms of "Cleaner production", energy and material savings, minimizing hazardous waste and waste concentration before discharge and increasing output of finished products and reducing product costs.
Consulting on hazardous waste treatment
- Chemicals, textile dyeing, pesticide and pharmaceutical industries
- Petroleum, rubber and metallurgy industries
- Waste from wastewater and flue gas treatment systems
- Wastes and products from industries
Consulting and preparing investment projects, economic and technical projects
- Prepare investment projects for construction works.
- Prepare economic and technical reports.
- Basic design, architectural design, structural design, electrical system, water supply and drainage, cost estimate
- Bidding consultancy.